Knowledge Acquisition from Database
Author: Xindong Wu
Book title: Knowledge Acquisition from Databases
Publisher: Ablex, USA
(355 Chestnut Street, Norwood, New Jersey 07648, USA,
Telephone: +1-201-7678455; Fax: +1-201-7676717)
Year: 1995
ISBN: 1-56750-206-7 (cloth cover);
1-56750-205-9 (paper cover)
Knowledge acquisition from databases is a research frontier for bothdatabase technology and machine learning techniques, and has seensustained research in recent years. It also acts as a link betweenthe two fields, thus offering a dual benefit. First, because databasetechnology has already found wide application in many fields, machinelearning research obviously stands to gain from this greater exposureand established technological foundation. Second, machine learningtechniques can augment the ability of existing database systems torepresent, acquire, and process a collection of expertise such asthose that form part of the semantics of many advanced applications,for example, computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aidedmanufacturing (CAM).
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