Comshare -
"Comshare, one of the market leaders in OLAP/DSS technology have recently been marketing an add-on to their OLAP databases. Called
"Detect and Alert" it makes use of software Agent technology (which they rather cutely term "Robots"). The Agents roam the appropriate datasource looking for data patterns which match rules set by their builders. If an interesting item is discovered then it is posted (via an E-mail backbone) back to the appropriae user and into a delivery technology which they call Smart Newspaper. Basically the newspaper takes (you guessed it) a newspaper as its analogy and comes complete with a front page, top stories etc. Once set up all of this happens in the background without the user having to initiate any of the searches."
Information courtesy Phil Suggars <>
Note: This info converted from the original "The Data Mine" pages and pre-dates June 2001. Please remove this note if you update or check the info
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