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Megaputer Intelligence, Ltd -


The mission of Megaputer is to provide customers around the world with top quality software tools for transforming raw data into knowledge and facilitating better business decisions.

Megaputer Intelligence Inc. was established in May of 1997. It is a leading developer and distributor of advanced software tools for data mining, text mining, and intelligent e-commerce personalization. Megaputer tools help reveal knowledge hidden in data. They add intelligence and insight to every step of the business decision-making process.

Megaputer offers tools for data mining and knowledge discovery in databases, semantic text analysis, and information retrieval. Megaputer's flagship products are PolyAnalyst and TextAnalyst.

PolyAnalyst is one the most complete and versatile suite of unique knowledge discovery algorithms in the world. The system provides simple connectivity with data storage architectures, an easy-to-use visual workspace, and a broad range of machine learning algorithms. PolyAnalyst is the first data mining system to utilize the COM architecture, facilitating simple data scoring with the help of models developed by PolyAnalyst's knowledge discovery engines.

TextAnalyst, first delivered in the beginning of 1999, is a unique software tool for automated semantic analysis of natural language texts. The system helps the user quickly summarize, efficiently navigate, and cluster documents in a textbase, as well as perform semantic information retrieval.
Topic revision: r1 - 18 Feb 2004, JoshFroelich

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