50 recent changes in Software Web retrieved at 22:06 (GMT)

GMDH Shell GMDH Shell is an easy to use tool for data mining and forecasting of multi parametric datasets. It performs a fully automatic structural and parametric...
Data Mining Software, Applications and Tools View the list of data mining software, tools, packages and programs or find out about the most popular tools for data...
GeneXproTools Capabilities include: Function Finding, Classification, Time Series Prediction and LogicSynthesis. Uses an EvolutionaryAlgorithm known as GeneExpres...
Software Web Preferences Appearance * Set WEBBGCOLOR = #efefef * web specific background color, current color * Set SITEMAPLIST = on ...
Statistics for Software Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploads:...
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Foswiki's Software web
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OmniAnalyser Hypersoft has developed Operational and Organizational Intelligence for managers and executives to evaluate communication in any large diversified b...
screen scraper screen scraper is a tool for extracting data from Web sites. It works much like a database that allows you to mine the data of the world wide web. ...
Sav Z Server http://sites.netscape.net/savtechno/ Sav Z (Web Data) Server is a Web based object relational database server implemented in JavaTM. Server generat...
Data Applied Data Applied offers a comprehensive suite of web based data mining techniques, an XML web API, and rich data visualizations.
SENN by Siemens AG Extensive MLP neural network sytem, including Pruning, NeuroFuzzy, etc. For more information please contact Chritoph Tietz christoph.tietz #64;...
Most Popular Data Mining Software Surveys conducted by KDD Nuggets and Rexer Analytics have asked people involved in data mining what software they use. While i...
The KnowledgeSTUDIO Software Development kit was to provides an OLE/COM interface to the ANGOSSKnowledgeSERVER data mining engine. A Beta Version was announced. N...
Angoss KnowledgeSTUDIO KnowledgeSTUDIO is an advanced data mining and predictive analytics suite for all phases of the model development and deployment cycle pr...
YALE is now known as RapidMiner Please see the RapidMiner page for details of the software formally known as YALE Historic Information YALE supports the process...
WizWhy http://www.wizsoft.com WizWhy reveals all if then rules (with no limit as to the number of clauses) and mathematical formula rules, and predicts the value ...
N.B. see page " Weka " to edit this information
Weka Weka is a data mining package which includes a wide variety of methods. Its easy to use interface makes it accessible for general use, while its flexibility...
Viscovery SOMine Self Organizing Maps powered by Viscovery The SOMine software combines the concept of Self Organizing Maps (SOMs) with statistical methods and us...
SPAD is a mature data mining suite that provides powerful exploratory analyses and data mining tools, including PCA, MCA, clustering, interactive decision trees, ...
R R is a well supported, open source, command line driven, statistics package. There are hundreds of extra packages available free, which provide all sorts of d...
You need information but how do you get at it? As a professional working in today's competitive world, you'll be very aware of the importance of concise and rel...
Multifactor Dimensionality Reduction (MDR) was originally developed to detect gene gene interactions in the domain of human genetics. MDR uses constructive induct...
KXEN provides next generation business analytics software to drive better corporate decisions. KXEN's unmatched speed, ease of use and scalability enable leading ...
Overview GhostMiner is a data mining package from Fujitsu which featured data access from databases or spreadsheets; data visualisation; data preparation and sele...
GenIQ The GenIQ Model is a machine learning alternative model to the statistical ordinary least squares and logistic regression models. GenIQ lets the data define...
N.B. see page " SPSS Clementine " to edit this information
ARMiner ARMiner is a free client server application for discovering association rules in datasets. According to the FAQ, _"Its intent was to provide people with a...
The KnowledgeExcelerator is an add in to Microsoft Excel and Access that delivers interactive visual data mining using decision trees. Contact: info #64;angoss.co...
ADAPA\xAE Enterprise Edition The Enterprise Edition incorporates not only Predictive Analytics functionality of ADAPA\xAE, but also adds Business Rules, Scorecard...
Angoss KnowledgeSEEKER Powerful data mining solution which offers data profiling , advanced data visualization and decision tree capabilities that enab...
Helium Scraper Helium Scraper is a general purpose Web Scraping Tool / Web Data Extractor that can be set up to extract from the web virtually anything you can po...
CART\xAE Salford Systems' flagship data mining software, CART\xAE, is a robust, easy to use decision tree that automatically sifts large, complex databases, searc...
MARS\xAE MARS (Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines) is a companion to CART that focuses on the development and deployment of accurate and easy to understand...
RandomForests\xAE RandomForests\xAE represents a major advance in data mining and knowledge discovery, offering high levels of predictive accuracy and an innovati...
TreeNet\xAE TreeNet\xAE is Salford's most flexible and powerful data mining tool, capable of consistently generating extremely accurate models. TreeNet has been r...
Managed Reporting Environment (MRE) http://www.SolutionsIQ.com/consulting/mre.html SolutionsIQ%u2019s Managed Reporting Environment (MRE) is a centralized repor...
SuperQuery http://www.azmy.com SuperQuery: A Database analysis software that has a knowledge discovery engine. You can download Free Trial version. You can also s...
Plug Score Modeler Plug Score Modeler is Basel II compliant scorecard development software that allows creating efficient credit scorecards as fast and easy as po...
Bayes Server Advanced analytical software used in the fields of Machine Learning, Time Series Analysis, Pattern Recognition, Data Mining and Artificial Intelligen...
VisuaLinks http://www.visualanalytics.com VisuaLinks is state of the art Java technology supporting link analyses and data visualization. VisuaLinks uses an intui...
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Topic revision: r2 - 30 Jan 2012, AndyPryke

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