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Nuggets(TM) -

Nuggets uses proprietary search algorithms called Sift Agents(TM) to develop English "if - then" rules. These algorithms use genetic methods and learning techniques to "intelligently" search for valid hypotheses that become rules. In the act of searching, the algorithms "learn" about the training data as they proceed. The result is a very fast and efficient search strategy that does not preclude any potential rule from being found. The new and proprietary aspects include the way in which hypotheses are created and the searching methods. The criteria for valid rules are set by the user. Nuggets also provides a suite of tools to use the rules for prediction of new data, under-standing, classifying and segmenting data. The user can also query the rules or the data to perform special studies.
Contributed by: Robert A. Geller,

Note: This info converted from the original "The Data Mine" pages and pre-dates June 2001. Please remove this note if you update or check the info

Topic revision: r1 - 19 Sep 2004, datamine

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